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ArtistKuniyoshi Utagawa

Artist Years1798-1861

Artist NationalityJapanese

TitleThe Former Emperor (Sutoku) from Sanuki Sends his Retainers to Rescue Tametomo

Yearca. 1851-52

MediumPrint > Woodblock Print

DimensionsTriple Oban: 15 X 30 inches


Polychrome woodblock Triptich print, each sheet oban size, printed on thin Japan kozo paper.

NotesKuniyoshi was born on 1 January 1798, the son of a silk-dyer, Yanagiya Kichiyemon, originally named Yoshisaburō. Apparently he assisted his father's business as a pattern designer, and some have suggested that this experience influenced his rich use of color and textile patterns in prints. It is said that Kuniyoshi was impressed, at an early age of seven or eight, by ukiyo-e warrior prints, and by pictures of artisans and commoners (as depicted in craftsmen manuals), and it is possible these influenced his own later prints.
(source: wikipedia.org)

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