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TitleThe New York Fine Arts Society Membership




The New York Fine Arts Society is a not-for-profit social organization for artists, art professionals, and enthusiasts. The Society serves the New York Metropolitan area, but membership is open world-wide. The Society holds meetings, exhibitions. and lectures at its location in Saint James on Long Island and other local venues. Individual membership is $125/year, corporate memberships and family memberships are $250/year. To join, fill out the form below:

Price $125.00

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The New York Fine Arts Society is a not-for-profit social organization for artists, art professionals, and enthusiasts. The Society serves the New York Metropolitan area, but membership is open world-wide. The Society holds meetings, exhibitions. and lectures at its location in Saint James on Long Island and other local venues. Individual membership is $125/year, Corporate Memberships and Family Memberships are $250/year. To join, fill out the form below:

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